Friday, April 13, 2007

Fresh burritos comin' at ya!

This is a really interesting article on the Alameda-Weehawkan Burrito Tunnel, a little known delivery system for fresh, tasty burritos for New Yorkers. It is great to learn a little more about the history and innovation of America. The tunnel opened in 1933 and was originally intended to speed up mail delivery but was obsolete before the first letter was ever sent. Currently thousands of burritos as hour are travelling through the tunnel to hungry New Yorkers. The article contains some great historical and scientific information as well as some gems relating to recent events:

By the time they reach Cleveland the burritos are fully heated through and traveling uphill at about twice the speed of sound. A series of induction coils spaced through central Pennsylvania repeats the magnetic process in reverse, draining momentum from the burritos and turning it into electrical power (though Weehawken residents still recall the great blackout of 2002, when computers running the braking coils shut down and for four hours burritos traced graceful arcs into the East River, glowing like faint red sparks in the night).

I love the image of the burritos travelling through the air, into the river, making a soft fsst as they hit the water.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Thanks, Claude, for the link.

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