Things that make me what to homestead up in the BC bush...
Seriously, though... the few posts I've read that have linked to this story seem to be focussing on the fact that they also wanted to kill the family dog. While I agree that is wholy unnecessary, I just can't get hung up on that. This is a guy who molests his kids, then tries to get his entire family killed WITH HIS PARENTS HELP!!! How sick is that?
I really don't believe in the death penalty, but maybe killing all possibilities of his ever having children again would be a good idea. Really, if there was ever someone we didn't want to be able to continue the bloodline, this would be it. It just boggles my mind.
I also find it a little sad that people focus on the dog. Part of me wonders if we have become so immune to such horrible events as this, that we ignore the horrific nature of the rest of the crime and just focus on something smaller, a little easier to digest. I'm not sure I'm discribing this well...
Probably not, though. To give people the benefit of the doubt, it is more likely that because the whole thing is so horrific, people want to focus on the dog to not have to deal with the rest of it.
Anyway, this is my Friday rambling...
ps... I doubt anyone actually reads this, but if you do... our home renovations are almost done which means I will actually start writing this again. Yay!! I'm looking forward to it, even if no one else is. :-)