More on Net Neutrality...
Sabina over at Librarian Activist has written a wonderfully informative post on Net Neutrality in Canada - lots of links, lots of great info! Head over and check it out.
Also, she has pointed out the website a website that provides lots of good information on the issue in Canada. Both of these are great jumping off points for informing yourselves and others about this issue. Also, please sign the petition and check out Kevin McArthur's suggestions for other ways of getting information out there. I'll copy and paste them below so you can't miss 'em!
Btw - check out our fancy, schmancy new badge of honour on the left sidebar promoting Net Neutrality!! Simple but clear (of course, if any of my animator/fx/talented artist friends feel like making a fancier one - please do!! The more attention we can bring to this, the better!)
What can you do? (From
- Write, call and email your member of parliament. We have local representation for a reason; use it.
- Write, call and email the CRTC. Explain to them why a neutral network is important to Canada.
- Call your ISP, explain to them that you support network neutrality and ask for them justify their violations of network neutraliy.
- If possible, switch ISPs to a neutral provider. We are currently looking for neutral network partners to recommend in areas that are open to competition.
- Sign the petition at the bottom of this page. Include your name, email, city and optionally a phone number.
- Get involved. Tell as many people as you know about network neutrality, explaining this concept to people who are non-technical but use the internet on a regular basis. Have them contact their representation. We are currently looking for someone to create a video explanation of net neutrality that does so without inflamatory language. If you can help contact us.
- Protest. Find like-minded indivuals and protest MP's offices that refuse to address the issue of network neutrality. The more visible the fight, the more likely that consumer rights will prevail over telecommuncations company's interests.
- Last but not least, blog this page. The more people the better. Please link to
Thanks for your post on Net Neutrality. Just to let you know, your links to Librarian Activist and are not operational. They are linking back to your site with a page not found message.
Thanks, francroaker! They should be fixed now.
Good to know people are reading this!
Thanks for keeping an eye on this issue.
About the links, you should always use "http://" to begin your URLs, unless you mean to do a relative link (to your own site).
Good post. I didn't know much about Net Neutrality, but I'll be looking more into it now. Thanks!
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