Wednesday, March 29, 2006


On Saturday I get my hair re-dyed to the bright, spring-like pink that I love! I'm very excited! Last time it was dyed was in late January, and it really starting to fade. I've loved the way it is fading and changing - at one point it was this beautiful, delicate pink - but now it is time to go bright and eye-catching again.

I always get people asking me if I dye it myself - if only they knew how incredibly inept I am at anything to do with hair. :-) The only reason my hair ever looks good is because I go to the absolutely BEST stylist in the world. If you are ever in Vancouver, BC and need a cut or color, go to Dean at The Lounge (downtown Vancouver location). He is absolutely amazing! and a real cutie too!

Update: In re-reading this, I realize how much like an advert this comes across. I'm not trying to sell anything - go to whoever you want to to have your haircut, colored, etc. Really. Doesn't matter to me a bit - as long as you have good hair, that's all I care about. :->


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